The Truth of Happiness
In this project we Learned about the best ways to make our videos the best they can be. We applied this knowledge of things like different types of shots, lighting, and overall mood in videos to a humanities project about happiness. I very much enjoyed these lessons, because they helped me to think about how I can make my personal video projects better, since filmmaking is a passion of mine.
Final product is shown above (I'm not sure why the thumbnail is so bad)

Name project
0 8 / 2 9 / 2 0 1 7
In this project we used tools like our cameras and Photoshop to make a portrait of our name out of letters that we saw in the outside world (mostly the parking lot). this project was meant for use to learn basic skills in Photoshop, such as the refine edge tool, the crop tool, and also a few keyboard shortcuts. The deeper meaning, however, of this short project, was for us to learn to look at the world through a different lens, or with a different perspective.
Photoshop tutorials
These are examples of tutorials that I watched and completed to change the look of a photograph. The point of these tutorials was to help us learn skills for our first project, the "Teacher Creature" project. In this project, we will be finding pictures of our teachers, and photoshopping them to be more monster-like, not necessarily in a scary way. However, these examples that I have provided to the right are demonstrations of the work that I did to further my skills in photoshop.

1 0 / 3 1 / 2 0 1 7

Photoshop CC Basics: http://jetsetcom.net/useful-resources/photoshop-cc-resources.html
SHOW and TELL Photoshop Basics: http://simplephotoshop.com/photoshop_tools/index.htm

^Final project is shown above ^
Teacher Creature
I feel that throughout the course of this project, I learned a lot of new photoshop skills. In the beginning, going into this project, I thought that I knew a lot about photoshop since I had it on my computer, and took a class four semesters of my middle school campaign. However, coming out of the project, I know much more about the program. The tutorial projects that we did taught me a lot about ways to make my projects better. And the lesson on foreground, middle ground and background helped me make my project more realistic and believable.

Above: final utopian film titled:
Utopian film/ visual aide
Over the course of this project, we were reading and learning about utopias as opposed to dystopias in Humanities. For example, we were reading a book title "Brave New World" which explored a world which was said to be a utopia, and it followed the everyday lives of a few characters. This inspired me to create a peek into a society which I created in video form with Adobe Premire Pro.
LOGO Design project
In order to create this logo, I initially had to talk to one of the members of the search and rescue crew, I interviewed him to see what he wanted from the logo, and then I began to design it based off of that. The first step was to draw out the logo ideas on paper (below right). I then took those ideas and transferred them into an Adobe Illustrator document I transformed the logo into digital form.
In this modern world, it is relevant to have a logo because it is eye catching, and sometimes easier to remember than a company name, it differentiates your company from others and helps people remember you.
In this project, I learned to scan papers and format pages in Adobe Photoshop.

^Nick Austin's logo design work^